A nonprofit improving human and environmental health in Guatemala.

Rise & Shine
UX/ UI Designer
Tools used:
Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Slides, Zoom, Miro, Figma, Slack, Adobe CS
Abla, Kevin, Preeti, Sebastian and Griffin
The process of finding suitable volunteering opportunities can be frustrating due to the lack of a streamlined platform that aligns with individuals' purpose and schedules.

A user-friendly and accessible platform is needed to effectively connect volunteers with opportunities that suit their individual needs.
An app that provides flexible preferences to help volunteers pick, plan, and organize their volunteering interests, that will result in an overall positive experience.
Alliance for International Reforestation website redesign
UX/ UI Designer
Tools used:
Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Slides, Zoom, Miro, Figma, Slack
Brad Morgan, Sebastian Stakem, June Woo Park, Abla Segbegnon, and Mary Vongsenesouk
We noticed AIR’s donation page was inconsistent, and created an opportunity for us to design the website to have some more continuity to increase customer trust. In addition to that,  we tested users on the amount of information on each page, and found that the amount of content on each page was discouraging users from browsing. Overall, the website had an opportunity for us to improve on visual style, so that's what we did.
We created a style guide to give users a more visually appealing and consistent experience. We simplified the user experience by consolidating certain areas of information.

Research: Assessing the current website

Heuristic Evaluation:
Heuristic Evaluation
I led our team to perform a heuristic evaluation to analyze the current website. Through this process, we discovered several issues such as:
- outdated logos
- wordy header navigation
- excessive text
- visually unpleasant (color-ways)
Proto Persona:
Proto Persona
Who? Why?

We decided to make our proto persona Roger, a middle-aged and retired individual, who has the money and time to find an organization that he believes in and believes he can make an impact in. The user persona reflects an individual that want to see a positive impact from their donation.

I created a story-board so we could better understand the scenario in which someone would find the means to search for the Alliance for International Reforestation Organization.
User Interviews
User Interview
We conducted user interviews in hopes to find insight on the following: site features, popular non-profits, donation habits, and how they find new programs.

Usability: Defining New Structural and Visual Elements

Usability Testing:
We assessed and analyzed the user’s perspective of the current site by conducting 5 individual usability tests.

The tasks given were used to help understand a typical user’s experience while navigating the site, their ability to easily donate, and their overall impression of the site.
Low-Fidelity Sketches
With the low fidelity stage I really focused on functionality. I ended up returning to some lo-fi sketches to build cohesion with all of our design choices.
Brand Style Guide
Style Guide
I created the style guide to breakdown all of our design choices with colors, logo, iconography, components, button states, and textures.

Conclusion: Final thoughts and future iterations

Learning Points
Slide Presentation:  I decided to take a step out of the box and try a Figma presentation. This leap of faith led to many improvements on our animations and just overall as a team we worked very well together being able to have a workspace on Figma.

Communicating information effectively. The content structure can make or break a user experience. We experimented with different variations of colors to maximize eye-appeal while still maintaining an attractive website

Future Iterations
Ideally I would like to finish developing the website until it is fully functional, from there we could conduct numerous different tests to get analytics to see what to change next.