hero image hi-fi mockups

Start making a positive impact on the world while combining your skills and passions.

Rise & Shine
UX/ UI Designer
Tools used:
Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Slides, Zoom, Miro, Figma, Slack, Adobe CS
Abla, Kevin, Preeti, Sebastian and Griffin
The process of finding suitable volunteering opportunities can be frustrating due to the lack of a streamlined platform that aligns with individuals' purpose and schedules.

A user-friendly and accessible platform is needed to effectively connect volunteers with opportunities that suit their individual needs.
An app that provides flexible preferences to help volunteers pick, plan, and organize their volunteering interests, that will result in an overall positive experience.
Rise & Shine
UX/ UI Designer
Tools used:
Google Forms, Google Drive, Google Slides, Zoom, Miro, Figma, Slack, Adobe CS
Abla, Kevin, Preeti, Sebastian and Griffin
The process of finding suitable volunteering opportunities can be frustrating due to the lack of a streamlined platform that aligns with individuals' purpose and schedules.

A user-friendly and accessible platform is needed to effectively connect volunteers with opportunities that suit their individual needs.
An app that provides flexible preferences to help volunteers pick, plan, and organize their volunteering interests, that will result in an overall positive experience.

Research: Investigating the Determinants of Volunteer Motivations, Challenges, and Retention Factors.

User Survey:
24 users
Google Survey
Prefer to volunteer in areas they are passionate about.
Rely on online search or word of mouth from friends and family to find volunteering opportunities,
Enjoy exploring different organizations.
User Interviews:
6 users
User Interviews
Through our one-on-one interviews with six individuals, I gained valuable insights into their experiences with searching for volunteer activities. Our research aimed to identify the challenges they faced and understand their motivations and priorities when seeking out such opportunities.
Based on the interviews, I discovered that users place a strong emphasis on connecting with organizations that align with their personal sense of purpose. While urgency was a factor for some, many participants prioritized the location and scheduling of volunteer opportunities.
Affinity Diagram:
Affinity Diagram
After the user interviews we were provided so much information but that information was next to useless unless we could understand it, so I then led our team through a card-sorting activity which diversified all the information. This bunch of cards then led into us doing an affinity grouping, and here is ea snippet of that:
Tools and Support
e-mail reminders
social media
personal calendar
Uses personal calendar to keep track of dates
Searches for opportunities based on personal interests
Unclear about time commitment and expectations
Sign-up process is too long and complex
Email reminders get buried
Wants more information before committing to an opportunity
Wants to make a meaningful impact
Seeks out opportunities that are convenient and flexible
Prefers opportunities that align with personal interests and values
User Persona:
User Persona
With this affinity diagram finished, we had a pretty good sense of what our target user would be like. Top of the list and almost a necessity was that they had the desire to volunteer, along with that we could add some personalized details, and that led to our user persona Jessica:

Ideation and Definition: Brainstorm and creation.

Value Proposition:
Our organization ‘Rise&Shine’ aims to simplify the process of volunteer sign up by providing individuals the flexibility to pick, plan, and organize their volunteering opportunities, that will result in an overall positive experience.

Our commitment is to empower our users with supportive benefits that promote personal and community engagement, as well as growth.
Feature Prioritization:
Prioritization Matrix
Low-Fidelity Prototype and sketches:
Wireframes and Sketches
I created Simple, clear wireframes to ensure that the app is easy to navigate and understandable for volunteers of all ages and levels of technical proficiency.
I went back to sketching a few times throughout the designing process. It allowed me to determine the structure of how we wanted to build the app, and for our case, it was the browsing abilities. My focus throughout the project was to bring users an easier way to browse for volunteering opportunities based on their preferences, so we needed to allow users to filter the opportunities.
Logo Design:
The Rise&Shine logo was designed by Preeti to embody the spirit of hope, positivity and community growth.

It recognizes volunteers interest and encourages them to rise to the challenge and shine a light on the many opportunities to make a difference.

The logo and visual elements feature a rising 
sun, symbolizing the start of a new day and the potential for positive change.
Brand Voice & Visual Elements:
UI Style Tile

High-Fidelity Prototype & Testing

Hi-Fi App Prototype
Link to Hi-Fi
High-Fidelity Usability Tests
Usability Tests
Task 1: Select preferences to go to custom homepage
successfully completed this task
Task 2: Filter further to find 'Arts and Culture' and set other preferences
successfully completed this task
Task 3: Book an open volunteer slot at 'DrawChange'
successfully completed this task

Conclusion: Final thoughts and future iterations

The results from user testing showed that most users were comfortable navigating through the app, setting profile and search preferences, and booking a volunteer opportunity at the chosen organization. We set out to design an app that removes obstacles that keep people from volunteering, and we feel that Rise and Shine greatly simplifies how users can discover, sign-up for, and share their volunteering experiences.

Future additions and iterations could include:
-Goal setting and rewards
-End of year review
-Invite friends in app to join volunteer opportunities
-Updates on your impact from volunteer experiences
-Feedback and reviews for organizations
-expand on the landing home page. (make it more explorable)